Our Strategy

Transforming the lives of working animals – SPANA Strategy 2023-27

SPANA’s new strategy for 2023-27 outlines the approach the charity will take in the next five years.

SPANA’s new strategy for 2023-27 outlines the approach the charity will take in the next five years.

100 years on from SPANA’s foundation, the need for our work is greater than ever. Rising global poverty and inequality are leaving owners struggling to care for, feed and even keep their animals. Other risks, such as zoonotic diseases, rising political and economic instability, and welfare threats like the donkey skins trade, are creating further challenges for working animals. And the ongoing impact of climate change is proving particularly difficult on countries which rely on working animals.

As demand for our help increases, SPANA is facing increased competition for income amid a global economic recession.

Our strategy explains how we will rise to these challenges – and achieve more for working animal welfare without an equivalent increase in resources.

While SPANA will continue to treat, train and teach, it will also work to transform working animal welfare – through new projects and partnerships that will deliver sustainable change to working animal welfare.

Our strategy has three core goals:

Goal 1 – Welfare

The quality of life improves for working animals globally, at a greater scale than ever before.

Goal 2 – Worth

The contribution working animals make to people across the world is recognised and valued.

Goal 3 – World

The world of working animals thrives and grows sustainably, as part of the nexus of animals, people and the environment.

These goals are underpinned by a fourth, enabling goal:

Goal 4 – Harnessing our global potential

Our charity builds its reputation and effectiveness as a pioneering, modern and global organisation, while delivering transformative change for working animal welfare.

As part of our new strategy, we will continue to ensure the treatment of working animals in need.

We will also continue to ensure the training of owners in animal care and the teaching of children about animal welfare.

We will expand our emergency capacity in response to the expanded need, primarily tied to climate change related issues such as droughts and floods.

And we will work to build local capacity of animal welfare services provision and quality assurance activities.